Once Again, People Who Work In Animal Shelters Make Humanity Look Just A Little Less Dreadful


Microchip your pets, people!Two and a half years ago, some degenerate oxygen thief stole a puppy named Rihanna from the porch of her home in the Bronx. Anybody who's lost a pet understands the incomprehensible fear, heart-pummeling agony and guilt that comes with situations like this, but go figure, Rihanna turned up in Stratford, New Jersey last week, where she was brought to the Voorhees Animal Orphanage. Thankfully, her family had microchipped her. The shelter staff waved the magic wand over the lost dog and just like that, they learned that her name was Rihanna, that she'd been missing for over two years and that, because the info was current, her family were just 100 miles away in the Bronx. Going above and beyond the call of duty, VAO volunteers packed up Rihanna in their ride and escorted her back home where, as you can see in the video below, she not only recognized her owners, but she was utterly thrilled to be home. “This was an incredibly emotional situation,” said Laurie Ballard, manager of the VAO, to the Good News Network, “Microchip information is not always current, so while we were thrilled to discover the animal had been microchipped, it does not always lead to a reunion with their owner.”So, in summary:

  1. Microchip your pets;
  2. Don't leave them unleashed and unguarded on your front porch, particularly if you live in the freaking Bronx; and
  3. Dogs are awesome (and so are shelter volunteers).

https://youtu.be/wUsVqI_qbMk If you want more info on the VAO, check it out here: http://www.vaonj.org/ In the meantime, why not skip a Starbucks or two this month and PayPal a little love over to your local animal shelter? It's the ultimate win/win.


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