I Just Discovered A Human Being Who Dances Even Worse Than I Do


Skip to 1:27. If I saw somebody twitching like this at a wedding reception, I'd call the paramedics. You can tell by the way she keeps stopping that Hillary can't wait for the song to end, BUT IT WON'T! She falls back on that swimming-fish thing with her hand, but still can't find the rhythm, so she returns to the super-uncomfortable head bop. It's like a primer on forced, clumsy and arrhythmic movement. She must have slept like fifteen hours that night after what surely was the most physical and emotionally-taxing thing she's attempted in twenty years.https://youtu.be/m55iXhAHBjg


Thirty-Seven Men Have Played In Ratt; Wouldn't It Be Great If They All Released An Autobiography?


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