Hockey Player Makes Strong Case For Aliens To Come And Conquer Earth


Oh dear.In the world of professional sports, few moments so perfectly blend the sublime joy of competition with stark, craven narcissism as much as a post-score celebration. Whether it's some gelled-hair underwear-model-cum-footballer running away from his team after scoring or a congress of burly NFL players turning the end zone into a bizarro dance club for Transformers, in-game celebrations continue to dazzle even as league officials seek to curtail them. And don't even get me started on that whole deal over in the MLB with the bat flipping debate. At some point in the past ten years, somebody sprayed fun repellent over the entire sport of baseball and it feels like we've got another five years before it finally wears off.Then there's hockey, which tends to showcase very manly celebrations involving a mob of players joyfully descending on the guy who scored — the very essence of team. Then there's this.oGPmNDb - Imgur


R.I.P. Merle Haggard


Friday Happy Hour Playlist: Good God, Chill The Fudge Out